Welcome to the Fan Site!

This fan site is in honor of my favorite TV show as a child, Daktari.

It was inspired by a wonderfully thoughtful act, and a tremendously stupid one.

daktaritvshow.wordpress.com Daktari The Complete First SeasonThe thoughtful act? That comes from my brother-in-law, Tim Bailey, a director for The Simpsons, and his wife Jen. Tim is a serious collector of movie and TV memorabilia and actor autographs. I happened to mention that Daktari had been my favorite show and the DVDs for Season One were out. Guess what I got for Christmas from them? 🙂 I was very touched that they remembered. It was the best Christmas present in years!

Now I’ll confess the stupid act.

First, a little history.

daktaritvshow.wordpress.com cheryl miller paula tracy and judy the chimp2I collected pictures of Cheryl Miller (Paula Tracy) and had amassed a large collection of at least one hundred pictures, along with numerous articles from movie and TV magazines of the day. I was ten when Daktari first aired and wanted to be Paula, spending my days outdoors with animals, especially the big cats. I requested an allowance so I could send away to a company called Stephen Sally (which remarkably still exists!) for glossy photos of my fav. Looking for that familiar large brown envelope in our mailbox each week was a real thrill.

I had my pictures plastered all over the walls of my bedroom.  Eventually my parents gave me a large pink scrapbook (undoubtedly so I would clean off the walls!) and I kept my collection there for years, even into adulthood.

I was very proud of that collection.

Here I am at 11, dressing like Paula Tracy.
Here I am at 11, dressing like Paula Tracy.

The mistake?

I packed away my scrapbook in a box, not knowing that a package of old batteries was also inside. The battery acid leaked all over the book, destroying the binding and staining some of the pictures. Overwhelmed by the idea of transferring all the paraphernalia into a new book, I threw it out. Needless to say, that mistake still haunts me.

So I decided to rebuild my collection with this website.

There appears to be a renewed interest in Daktari now that Seasons One and Two are available on DVD and with that interest, a deluge of new pictures of Cheryl Miller has appeared on the web. I intend to collect them all and preserve them on this site for those of you out there who also love this series.


May 6, 2017. I FOUND MY SCRAPBOOK! I thought it had been thrown away but in fact it was packed away and I had forgotten about it. I am over-the-moon-happy that it has been found! I have scanned each page and will share them with you — click here to see my scrapbook.

I bought a new book so as to restore (and better organize) my collection.

Daktari’s intrinsic value

I think Daktari has aged rather well considering the fact it is nearly fifty years old.

daktaritvshow.wordpress.com cheryl miller paula tracy treating a leopardRole model for girls

As a young girl growing up in the 1960s, Cheryl Miller (Paula Tracy) proved to be a great role model: beautiful, smart, passionate and resourceful with her interest in science and the environment trumping her interest in boyfriends, though I still wish she and Jack Dane (Yale Summers) had gotten together …

People of different races working together

DaktariDaktari was one of the first shows to offer an African American man in a leading role (Hari Rhodes as Mike Makula). In fact, the show offered many supporting and guest roles to African American actors. It was a wonderful example of the right kind of race relations, where people were judged on their character alone, just as Dr. Martin Luthor King would have wanted it.

Care for animals and the environment

Marshall Thompson‘s presence as “Daktari,” Dr. Marsh Tracy was very comforting. He genuinely cared about the welfare of animals and the people that shared the land with them, and had a lot of input into the stories.

daktaritvshow.wordpress.com daktari judy the chimp clarence the cross-eyed lionYes, it is a children’s show and yes, the stories are simplistic and the characters one dimensional. The animals (Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion and Judy the Chimp) were the real stars. But the show is refreshingly clean and the gentle message of protecting wild animals and their environment was ahead of its time. The message got across loud and clear without preaching and without the extremism and politicizing that so taints that message today.

Why a Daktari Fan Site?

So, as a result of the release of Seasons One and Two of  Daktari on DVD, plus the effort to rebuild my collection, and most importantly, in honor of my thoughtful brother-in-law and his wife who helped me remember the happy days of my childhood, this site has been created.

It is dedicated to you, all the fans of Daktari who have kept the flame lit over the past forty seven years. Enjoy the renaissance of this wonderful TV series!

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53 thoughts on “Welcome to the Fan Site!

  1. Hi, I’m new on the site and I really love it. I would like to ask an expert on Daktari. Do you know where can I find one particular episod? I have nearly all of them on vhs but I missed my favourite. Thank you for your answer.

      1. Thank you for answering. I’m looking for an episode called ‘Death in the African sun’. ( as you could guess it I really love Jack Dane. And for a happy ending with Paula, I’ve written my own final part, in which they got married:)))It’s from the second seasone.

  2. Thank you for the tip. Yes, I was not really happy, but I’ve read that he’ d left, so I could get used to it. ( That’s because I’m in my teenage years, and I started watching Daktari 3 or 4 years ago. One of the TV channels in my country, showed it 2 times in the past years:))

  3. I liked the show –watched for yale summers and cheryl, but quit after Yale left–and wanted jack and paula to marry…thanks anna would love to have the final part, in which paula and jack married… Sorry won’t be buying dvd. mad since loved the cast–and had no hatred of races–and wonderful animals

    1. Do you mean in the TV show Daktari or in the movie Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion? I don’t know personally but I know people that would know. I will ask them and then post the answer here.

    2. In the second season of Daktari there is an episode called “Judy and the baby elephant” with an little elephant named Tai or Taj. It could be the same elephant strarring in the Flipper episodes “Flipper and the Elephant” also with Cheryl Miller playing guitar and singing a song about the elephant. Don’t know if the elephant had a name in those Flipper episodes.

  4. Perhaps there is some confusion between Daktari and the John Wayne movie, Hatari which prominently featured a baby elephant.

  5. Just to add a bit more detail to the previous responses to the baby elephant question, there was only one quick scene featuring an elephant in the Clarence movie but no name was mentioned (although Paula refers to it as a “she”).

    In the TV series itself, there were several elephants which featured heavily in the following episodes:
    Ep 1.1 The Elephant Thieves (the baby elephant was called Toto)
    Ep 1.10 and 1.11 Return of the Killer (the big elephant was called Lydia)
    Ep 2.4 Judy’s Hour of Peril (the big elephant was called Margie)
    Ep 2.8 The Trial (the big elephant was called Modoc)
    Ep 2.21 Judy and the Baby Elephant (the baby elephant was called Taj)
    Ep 3.11 and 12 The Elephant Raid
    Ep 3.18 Riddle of the Bush (the baby elephant was called Sandy)
    Ep 4.11 The Divining Rods (the baby elephant was called Taj and the big elephants were called Lydia and Modoc)
    Ep 4.13 Jungle Heartbeat (the big elephant was called Lydia).

  6. Whoopie! I just ordered Daktari Season 3 from Warner Archive; it has just been releasd. I am sooooo happy!

      1. Hi Susan, Thank you for that news, it will be great to have season 3 and watch some of the episodes in the original language instead of the French versions I have now. But I will have to wait a little longer until it is available on amazon.com for the European region. But something to look forward to. Walter

        Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 22:14:01 +0000 To: listenup2us@hotmail.com

  7. I now have the season 3 set and I am interested to know why one of the episodes has the season 2 titles/music on it.

  8. Hi Susan love everything about your website.
    In The UK the best season 3 is out for pre order at Amazon.dear link above.Both English and German soundtracks are available.
    I visit your website quite frequently these days it seems very relavent in our troubled world of today.

    1. Thank you, what a nice comment! I am glad you are enjoying the site. Wameru Compound is a nice place to visit when the world gets to be too much! We have season 3 available here too, exciting!

  9. I just read Ian K McLachlan’s comment above about “why one of the episodes has the season 2 titles/music on it”. Perhaps this relates to the observations made elsewhere on this website (specifically the Second Season Episodes page) in which we observed that Episode 2.15 (33) “Little Miss Nightingale” was probably a Third Season episode.
    This assessment was based on the home-recorded copy of the episode I owned at the time which featured opening credits showing Jack with the giraffe (which was in the Third Season) and Paula’s appearance (which was more like the Third Season). Warner Archive has subsequently confirmed that this episode actually belonged to the Third Season – apparently some of the online episode guides are incorrect.
    I’ve ordered my own Third Season DVD boxset so it may become clearer once I’ve viewed the episode listing.

  10. I’ve just received my copy of the Season Three DVDs. I thought I’d follow-up on Ian McLachlan’s query and my initial response about the use of Season Two titles in a Third Season episode.
    As I mentioned before, the Season Three introductory credits were changed to include a new clip of Yale Summers with a giraffe instead of an elephant that had been used for the First and Second Seasons. A quick review of the new DVD boxset indicates that the earlier elephant title sequence is used in at least two Third Season episodes (Ep 3.8 “Coundown for Judy” and Ep 3.17 “Miracle in the Jungle”).
    I reviewed my old home-recorded copies of these episodes and the same anomalous opening credits appear there too. After re-reading my commentaries on the episodes, no explanation is immediately obvious. They don’t appear to have been filmed out of sequence from their airdates and seem to have been used quite randomly.
    This is a mystery that only Warner Archive may be able to answer!

  11. Wow! All these years I thought I was the only Daktarii fanatic in the world! I also fantasized about being Paula Tracy living in Africa with my heroic dad, handsome Jack Dane and of course all the wonderful animals and adventures. I also collected everything Daktari I could get my hands on, including bubble gum cards, the TV guide article about Cheryl, a small adventure book, and a hand-held slide projector. I got the first series of the show when it first came out. I was so excited when season two came out and got it as soon as I found out about it. My favorite show was when Paula was bitten by the spider. It’s late at night now, and I just happened across the website. You can be sure I will return to check it out further! Thanks for sharing this!!!

    1. And here I thought I was the only one! It’s been so fun meeting other fans; many of you are so much more knowledgeable than me. I had the small adventure book ad the slide projector too! I mostly collected magazine articles and ordered glossies from Jeri of Hollywood and Stephen Sally out of NY (which incredibly, is still in business!). I had a major portion of the wall of my bedroom covered with pictures. 🙂 A pleasure to meet a fellow Daktari fanatic! 🙂

  12. Some readers may recognise me as a semi-regular contributor to this great website. It is now my turn to seek a favour from fellow readers. I recently bought a holiday house in an Australian bush setting and would like to hang a recognisable memento of our loved TV show near the front door. In particular, I am trying to find something that looks like the African shield that hung to the left of the outside door of the main Wameru house. I’m hoping that some fan might know of a location or website that might sell or make a replica (or as close as possible) of this item. Thanks in advance!
    Go to the following picture on this website for a clear view of what I’m after

  13. I loved Ralph Helfer’s books “Zamba: The True Story of the Greatest Lion That Ever Lived” and “Modoc: The True Story of the Greatest Elephant That Ever Lived” so much that I had to look up Ralph, Zamba and Modoc on imdb.com to see their credits but all I could find was just 4 credits for Ralph. I felt they all needed be recognized so I took it upon myself to not only to put down all their credits but to write all the Mini Biographies as well. I even put down all the trivia, trademarks and quotes.

  14. Norma de Bs As Argentina, soy una fanática de esta serie, lo veía desde muy chica, yo nací en el 68. Como deseo que los niños de estos tiempos, puedan ver esta serie tan hermosa para amar a los animales y cuidar lo poco que nos han dejado los ascendentes que dicen ser seres humanos. Extraño mucho esta serie, era tan didáctica, me divertía tanto con yudith y clarens que siempre veía doble !!!
    Ojala alguien tenga la decisión de poner de nuevo esta serie TAN HERMOSA !!!
    Saludos Cordiales a todos los FANS, BESOSSSS

  15. Hi everybody!
    I’ve just found out that one of the hungarian tv channels has broadcasted DAKTARI again. They’ve started yesterday, and it will be on air at weekdays shortly after 17 o’clock. 🙂 🙂 I’m soo happy about it! Finally!! 🙂

  16. Hi Susan; I am Omer Alashity from Oman – middle east, i would like to enjoy at your
    site and wailt for your reply .. Thanks & Regards…

  17. Hi everyone!
    I was wondering if any of you had ever thought about this before… How does a real Wameru-styled Christmas look like? 🙂

    1. Doing a quick search on Google, there is no reference to a Christmas theme show on Daktari. Makes one want to take a picture of Wamaru, inside and out, and Photoshop in some Christmas decorations. Could be fun, any takers? 😉

  18. Hi, everyone! 🙂
    I am looking for a picture, I had on my comp, but somehow I lost it… Anyway, I wonder if you might have came across with it. Paula and Jack sitting on the stares of Wameru, with Clarence and Judy in the foreground. It’s a black-ans-white take, I’m not sure if it was in any episodes or photoshooting. I hope someone might have seen it. Thank you very much!!

  19. UNA PREGUNTA, como era el nombre del mono pequeño? no Judy, sino el monito. What´s the name of the little monkey? not Judy. The little Monkey.

    In Latin America is Toto.

    Its true?

  20. Hi, As a child I used to watch, “Daktari”. I vaguely seem to recall a young boy called, “Jie” (Pronounced, “J-eye” as in “jelly”, spoken combined) who rode upon an elephant.

    Can you please confirm this. If so, could you please provide me with any information you might have for a project I’m working on.

    “DAKTARI”: 1966 – 1969

    SEASON 1: Episodes 1-8

    SEASON 2: Episodes 1-29

    SEASON 3: Episodes 1-27

    SEASON 4: Episodes 1-15

    Kind Regards

  21. Hi! Although several elephants were featured as animals living at the Wameru Compound in Daktari, I actually don’t remember a character named Jie in any episode of the TV series.
    However, there are several other possibilities in related cinema/television ventures during the 1960s that might account for your memory of such a character.

    In the 1962 film Tarzan Goes to India, one of the main characters was a boy named Jai, the elephant boy. Later, the same name was used for the boy character who featured in the 1966-68 Tarzan TV series.

    Finally, an actor with a similar name Jay North (from Dennis the Menace) starred in the 1966 film Maya and the subsequent 1967-68 Maya TV series. In these ventures, Jay played a boy who traveled around the Indian jungle with a Hindu boy and an elephant and her baby calf.

    I hope that this might be some assistance for your project.

  22. Hi I was Judy’s main trainer on Daktari. I have many pictures of her with many different actors.
    Have a Great day

  23. I am thrilled to be able to watch it on the free streaming channel Tubi! I was 6 years old when it was my favorite show on tv.

  24. Greetings from Argentina. I watched Daktari when I was a child and I recently rewatched the first season in Latin Spanish – my language – taking some time in the afternoon for a snack like when I was a child and I enjoyed watching those episodes again.

    I read somewhere that Judy lived until the late 90’s, I hope she had a happy life.

    Very good show.

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