Two Daktari books available online

In the last post I mentioned a site called It houses the Donna Reed episode featuring Cheryl.

It also houses two books based upon Daktari.

One is a Big Little Book called Night of Terror:

Here are some scenes:

I copied all pages of the book assembled it into a PDF that you can download.

A second book is a paperback called Daktari: A Mystery at Wameru:

This book is loosely based on a Season One episode titled “Predator of Wameru” (First aired 18 Jan 1966). The book has some pictures:

I also copied this book and made a PDF out of it that you can download.

I love that we can still find these things!




Cheryl Miller’s appearance on “The Donna Reed Show”

Our friend Ken found this gem on (more about this site in a moment). He writes, “Cheryl makes a short appearance starting at 4min 24sec in a different sort of role that what we are used to!” The episode is called “The Mysterious Smile” and is from Season 7 in 1965:

Here are some scenes:
Cheryl appeared briefly in another episode, “Boys and Girls” in 1963. This Season 5 episode can be seen in that season’s DVD release. Yale Summers also guest starred in two other episodes in that same season.
There are more Daktari surprises on; more on that in tomorrow’s post!

Cheryl Miller’s appearance on “Run Joe, Run,” 1974

Thanks to Ken for this find. This guest appearance on “Run Joe, Run” has not been documented anywhere else (as far as we know). Cheryl plays Jill, a young mother of a little boy who is saved by Joe, the German Shepard (the little boy is Robbie Rist – he appeared on the last season of  “The Brady Bunch” and looked like a John Denver mini-me). She first appears at 9 minutes, 40 seconds, and sporadically throughout.

Here are some of her scenes: