Daktari now available to stream on Tubi

Exciting news! For those of you living in the United States, all four seasons of Daktari are now available on Tubi, a free streaming service.

tubi logo

daktari on tubi

If you are unable to stream on your TV, you can watch it on your computer, tablet or phone by visiting Tubi.com and signing up for an account.

I’ve watched several episodes already and am focusing on Season 4 which I have not viewed since I was a kid. It’s actually not as bad as I remembered it. Erin Moran is sweet as Jenny and I really like the relationship she has with Dr. Tracy. I could do though without Ross Hagen – his character of Bart Jason is not likable. I miss Yale Summers! Fortunately I can watch older episodes to get my dose of him. 🙂

Let us know what episodes you are watching and enjoying. Remember to check out our excellent Episode Guide.

