New article on Cheryl Miller in “Retrofan Magazine” by Yours Truly

Ken and I are excited to announce that Retrofan Magazine commissioned us to write an article on Cheryl Miller. Retrofan is a premier print publication covering favorite TV shows. When I noticed they had never written on Daktari, I pitched an article on Cheryl Miller and they accepted. I then immediately reached out to Ken as our resident expert on Daktari to write the article with me.
Although we reached out to Cheryl on two occasions, we were not able to talk with her. However, I did make contact with Ralph Helfer and got quotes and photos from him.
You can buy a digital or print copy here:
Turn to page 53 to see the article.
Here’s a tease:

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at barnes and noble-1Oh! And the magazine was on display in Barnes & Noble!

Enjoy! Susan and Ken


Cheryl Miller’s resume (with head shot)

Our friend Walter found this awesome find on Ebay – Cheryl Miller’s resume! She did a lot more than we realized. That gives us more to look for. How fun! Thanks, Walter!

Cheryl Miller’s first TV appearance, and rare behind-the-scenes videos

My thanks to my Aussie friend Ken Lynch for these great finds!

Bachelor Father

Cheryl Miller’s first TV appearance was in 1957 on “Bachelor Father” starring John Forsythe. She was 14. She has a very small role — fast forward 20 minutes in to see her:

Here’s some screen caps from her appearance as “Nancy:”



Rare behind-the-scenes footage

Ken recently found a website called the Producers Library, an independent stock footage and video archive library.  A search for Daktari revealed a number of very interesting pieces of behind-the-scenes footage (with and without sound) featuring Marshall Thompson and lots of footage of the animals used in the TV series.

There are two particularly interesting clips of Marshall Thompson and the show’s producer talking to camera, plus the Studio 2 clip that opens with a view of Cheryl Miller’s dressing room door, followed by Yale Summers’ chair with his name on it.

The blond woman in the films is Toni Helfer, the first wife of Ralph Helfer.

You can download and save these clips to your own personal collection.

